Biological Agent Control

There are many different biological agents such as bacteria and viruses that humans can be exposed to in the workplace. Many of these biological agents can be harmful to workers and the wider community if exposure is not adequately managed. 

Legionella risk assessment

Legionella bacteria, which is naturally occurring can cause a number of serious health conditions including Legionnaires disease which is often fatal. Legionella can grow rapidly in water systems if the correct conditions exist and the inhalation of small water droplets containing this bacterium can cause serious health issues. Exposure can be controlled through effective risk assessment, including inspection and evaluation of the water systems, release points and the population at risk of exposure. 

Water quality surveying

Clean potable water, free of harmful levels of chemical and biological agents necessary to ensure that people remain healthy. To ensure that water is safe to drink, use for food preparation and cleaning it is necessary to regularly review the water systems from source to point of delivery. This review should include inspection of all parts of the system, including bacterial controls as well as sampling and analysis of the water.

Food Safety Management

Food that is safe to consume much be free of all physical, chemical and biological hazards. Analysis of each stage of the foods journey from source and storage through to preparation and service is necessary to ensure that food is safe to consume without significant risk of causing ill health.