Noise and Vibration

In many work environments there is the potential for exposure to high levels of noise and vibration. Inadequate control of exposure to noise and vibration can cause significant long-term damage to the health of workers, impacting their quality of life as well as their ability to function effectively at work.


There are several analytical techniques used by our consultants to investigate and evaluate the exposure of workers to noise in the workplace. Gathering noise data allows a clear picture of the levels on site to be developed and to identify the high noise areas where further controls may be required. More specific techniques such as personal noise dosimetry and frequency analysis can be utilised to accurately measure the exposure profile of individual worker groups and choose the most appropriate noise mitigation measures.

Hand arm vibration

The transmission of vibrations from workplace tools and equipment into the hands and arms of workers can cause serious long-term health effects including vibration white finger. Measuring the vibration magnitude generated while using different tools allows an assessment of the vibration risk to be developed and appropriate risk mitigation measured to be implemented.

Whole body vibration

Workers who drive mobile machines or work vehicles can develop ill health such as back pain due to exposure to whole body vibrations. Measuring the level of vibration that workers are exposed to allows a risk assessment to be completed and appropriate measures to be implemented to manage the risk of ill health.